About Us

Located in the picturesque, rolling hills of southern York County is the Country Club of York. With its vast views of surrounding farmlands to the south, and overlooking the City of York to the north, the Country Club of York stands alone as "the" premiere club in our area.

Established in 1899, the Country Club of York is the leading-edge club in the community, with state of the art facilities to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone. All the while, the Country Club of York continually strives to preserve our traditions and rich history which distinguishes us from other nearby clubs.

The Platinum Clubs of America has the Country Club of York ranked at 38 out of 6,000 clubs in America.

The Platinum Club of the World has the Country Club of York ranked at 125 out of all clubs worldwide.

The Country Club of York is dedicated to continually improving on our reputation as the "go to" club in the area.  It is the place where you will want to go to enjoy time with friends and family.  Join us, and you too will be proud to call the Country Club of York, your club!